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Eye Universal SRHR

Reducing Maternal Death and Unintended teenage pregnancies through the EYE Universal SRHR Project.



Target beneficiaries;


  • Adolescent and young people 10- 24 years.


  • Women of productive age (WRA) 25-49 years.
  • Parents and guardians of adolescent and youth.
  • Adult sexual partners of adolescent girls and young women.
  • Political, religious, cultural and community leaders, health care providers, teachers, district teams, policy makers.



  • Formed 112 Youth Savings and Loans Associations to empower youths to save, as well as share SRH Information. As such,243 youths have borrowed and started income generating activities, whilst 201 youths accessed SRH services through acquiring SRH loans.
  • 100 Senior Women and Men Teachers equipped with ASRHR information to enable them share age appropriate SRH information with students in school health clubs. 
  • Formed 50 health clubs as a platform for sharing SRHR Knowledge.
  • Over 2,000 young people trained in making re-usable sanitary pads to improve their menstrual hygiene and keep young girls in school.
  • Over 10,000 students equipped with ASRH information and life skills to empower them decide over their bodies. 
  • 26 youths equipped with cottage skills like Hair dressing, Baking, Cookery (snacks like samosa, Bagiya, Chapatti, Daddies and making Bar soap).


My Body, My Life, My World.

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