01 Apr Never laugh at small beginnings….
By Patrick Kigongo – Act4Africa Country Manager Uganda
Patrick Kigongo Act4Africa General Manager (Uganda), updates us on the recent progress of the HEAL groups.
Members of Sekadhikwe women’s group express excitement upon receiving their Hybrid Goat from Act4Africa
“Not long ago, the only activity that brought us together as women was to discuss our marital problems and challenges – we could find some solace from one another, given that we were all going through the same experiences and facing similar problems. We still benefit from this collective support, but we have attained so much more since engaging with Act4Africa. I am particularly grateful for the efforts that have been driven towards making us the people we are to today.”
These were part of the opening remarks from Catherine, the chairperson of Sekadhikuwe women’s group in Mayuge during Act4Africa’s latest visit. The name of the group ‘Sekadhikuwe’ is derived from an adage in the local dialect to mean: ‘’You may laugh and mock at small beginnings, but I eventually succeed’’.
Indeed, since forming an Act4Africa Health, Empowerment and Livelihoods (HEAL) group, much has been achieved by the Sekadhikuwe women, both together and at an individual level. Catherine says, “Before Act4Africa training, we had no idea about saving money. We were also very naïve about starting up enterprises. Today, we are proud owners of many small enterprises that are greatly transforming our economic status.”
On our last visit, in March, we were delighted to reward the women’s efforts with the gift of a hybrid goat, reared by Act4Africa on our own farm at Kathy’s Centre. The women received animal husbandry training and will have ongoing access to our goat breeding programme. “We believe from this goat we will have more goats that we plan to sell to increase our group’s income. This will allow us to venture into other income generating enterprises, like hire of tents chairs and tables for events.”
“We are really grateful for this gift, the health education and knowledge, financial literacy skills, for through all these, that we have emerged out to what we are.”
With a regular donation of £11 a month you can help us sustain our herd of goats at Kathy’s Centre, helping us provide goats to support HEAL groups throughout Mayuge district.